Aug 22, 2009
Last One
Hey, I think its bout time I refresh my scene.
Moving to Tumblr soon.
Work in progress. Will update here soon.
Aug 13, 2009
District 9

30 years ago, in 1979, a man named George Lucas came up with the idea of Star Wars.
That completely changed how the masses perceived Sci-Fi films.
Fast forward to today, 30 years later into 2009, a South African ad film maker and acclaimed 3D animator has done what George did. Redefining the Genre. 29 year old Neil Blomkamp to me has really topped it off since 1979.
District 9 tells the story of Aliens in coexistence with humans on Earth. Speculate all you want why it's filmed in Johannesburg, South Africa, but I personally love it. It brings a clear reflection of the world today with its mentality towards something "foreign" or "alien". Aliens in this film go through oppression similar to what South Africans experienced during Apartheid. Gritty, in-your-face, and heavy with cinema verite style, its FRESH.
District 9 completely destroys all stereotypes of aliens in sci-fi. Blomkamp's style of a documentary-like film may not appeal to most commercial movie-goers but not to true fans of sci-fi. Not saying it will not appeal to the masses, but its probably to "fresh" or unconventional to most.
Character development of the leads are also very in depth and their transformation throughout the film. This brings tears in your eyes, a raging anger in your heart, and a very busy mind afterwards.
My final verdict for District 9 is that it is really FRESH. Sci-fi fans, you're not going to be disappointed.
Also, out of randomness, Blomkamp was chosen to direct the canned Halo film adaptation. Shit. Imagine how Halo would've been.
Aug 3, 2009
Injured, Bored, And Awaiting Uni.
Had a small accident at home. Some stray piece of broken glass I didn't see and I stepped on it.
Ouch. 2 stitches.
Oooh, saw my results online and I didn't screw up. Yay!!!!!
Shit, I have registration in the morning later.
Class starts on the 10th. There goes my mid year break.
Another 5 months of study study study and ASSignments ASSignments ASSignment.
Me and Love Affair are almost 6 months. Surprise, surprise =)
That's all for now folks.
Smell you later.
Ouch. 2 stitches.
Oooh, saw my results online and I didn't screw up. Yay!!!!!
Shit, I have registration in the morning later.
Class starts on the 10th. There goes my mid year break.
Another 5 months of study study study and ASSignments ASSignments ASSignment.
Me and Love Affair are almost 6 months. Surprise, surprise =)
That's all for now folks.
Smell you later.
Jul 18, 2009
Quick One
hello all!!....
Still vacationing here in Medan. Be back on the 21st.
Nothing much here. I can only go online from a coffee joint in a mall.
Had an interesting outing to Lake Toba yesterday.
Gonna go cycling around tomorrow I suppose.
More to come when I get back.
Jul 11, 2009
Windows 7
Ok, about 2 days ago I managed to acquire a copy of Windows 7 Beta from Fuzzy.
Been reading up alot about this OS and the rave reviews, so I decided to give it try.
Initially, I wasn't really keen because of bad experiences with Vista.
But I was convinced to give it a go. I reluctantly did, and woah!.
I never knew a Windows OS can be so good.
Windows 7 comes in both 32Bit and 64Bit versions.
32Bit requires:
1Gb HD storage space
1Gb of RAM minimum
1GHz Processor minimum
Support for DirectX 9 graphics device with 128MB of graphics memory
DVD-R/W Drive
64Bit requires:
20Gb HD storage space
2Gb of RAM minimum
1GHz Processor minimum
Support for DirectX 9 graphics device with 128MB of graphics memory
DVD-R/W Drive
Currently, I am running the Beta version of the 64Bit.
At first glance, it appears to look like a pretty version of Vista.
Trust me, its not just prettier, its better.

That's how Windows 7 looks. Its pretty elegant, and visually clear.
Bear in mind that the visual themes, wallpaper, etc, are all at default Windows 7 settings.
I like it =D
I remembered the days when I first got my XP and Vista, I spent the first couple of hours tinkering with the visual theme options and personalizing it.
I only spent 15 minutes tinkering with this one, and then I decided to keep it back to original settings. Its already pretty at standard. Not saying that the customization options suck, they're cool, but I decided that it's prettier this way.
My point is that its visually pretty and you don't necessarily have to do anything to it.

Another visual improvement over its predecessors is a clutter free Windows Taskbar.
Just mouse over the the icons in the taskbar i.e. the Windows Live Icon, and you instantly get a glance of what is grouped in it. No more taskbar clutters and eye sores.
The next major visual improvement is how Windows 7 helps you manage your browser window. Now this is handy when your doing comparisons between two pages in a browser.
Here's how 2 IE windows look like before drag and dropping them to the sides.

Ok, now here's when you drag and drop one window to one side, and the other window to the opposite side.

Windows 7 will automatically resize both browser windows, allowing much easier management and creating a clutter free environment for your display. Its pretty handy =P
Another really neat thing is that all these shots weren't taken the old fashion way of pressing the print screen button. Windows 7 comes win a program called 'Snip Tool', which allows the user to print screen, or selected part of the GUI.
As if that's not enough, this OS is apparently games friendly. Previously on my Vista OS, whenever I am LAN gaming Rainbow 6 Vegas 2, it has the tendency to crash alot and encounter numerous bugs. I had a 4 hour LAN session on this game last night, and not once did it crash or encounter bugs.
Another experience I am willing to share is the difference in performance using Traktor DJ Software. Traktor DJ does encounter some bugs in Vista, and has the very high tendency to crash under high strain. In Windows 7, no matter how high the strain, Traktor DJ remains functional and so far, I havent encounter any bugs and its NEVER CRASHED.
So seriously, you Vista users, get ready to switch to Windows 7 when it comes available for the market later this year. It really is sweet. DJs, f**k Vista, quickly switch to Windows 7 or get s Beta copy if you can.
This is just merely a tip of the iceberg of my experience. Plenty more to be discovered in this OS. Get it if you can and enjoy.
Been reading up alot about this OS and the rave reviews, so I decided to give it try.
Initially, I wasn't really keen because of bad experiences with Vista.
But I was convinced to give it a go. I reluctantly did, and woah!.
I never knew a Windows OS can be so good.
Windows 7 comes in both 32Bit and 64Bit versions.
32Bit requires:
1Gb HD storage space
1Gb of RAM minimum
1GHz Processor minimum
Support for DirectX 9 graphics device with 128MB of graphics memory
DVD-R/W Drive
64Bit requires:
20Gb HD storage space
2Gb of RAM minimum
1GHz Processor minimum
Support for DirectX 9 graphics device with 128MB of graphics memory
DVD-R/W Drive
Currently, I am running the Beta version of the 64Bit.
At first glance, it appears to look like a pretty version of Vista.
Trust me, its not just prettier, its better.
That's how Windows 7 looks. Its pretty elegant, and visually clear.
Bear in mind that the visual themes, wallpaper, etc, are all at default Windows 7 settings.
I like it =D
I remembered the days when I first got my XP and Vista, I spent the first couple of hours tinkering with the visual theme options and personalizing it.
I only spent 15 minutes tinkering with this one, and then I decided to keep it back to original settings. Its already pretty at standard. Not saying that the customization options suck, they're cool, but I decided that it's prettier this way.
My point is that its visually pretty and you don't necessarily have to do anything to it.
Another visual improvement over its predecessors is a clutter free Windows Taskbar.
Just mouse over the the icons in the taskbar i.e. the Windows Live Icon, and you instantly get a glance of what is grouped in it. No more taskbar clutters and eye sores.
The next major visual improvement is how Windows 7 helps you manage your browser window. Now this is handy when your doing comparisons between two pages in a browser.
Here's how 2 IE windows look like before drag and dropping them to the sides.
Ok, now here's when you drag and drop one window to one side, and the other window to the opposite side.
Windows 7 will automatically resize both browser windows, allowing much easier management and creating a clutter free environment for your display. Its pretty handy =P
Another really neat thing is that all these shots weren't taken the old fashion way of pressing the print screen button. Windows 7 comes win a program called 'Snip Tool', which allows the user to print screen, or selected part of the GUI.
As if that's not enough, this OS is apparently games friendly. Previously on my Vista OS, whenever I am LAN gaming Rainbow 6 Vegas 2, it has the tendency to crash alot and encounter numerous bugs. I had a 4 hour LAN session on this game last night, and not once did it crash or encounter bugs.
Another experience I am willing to share is the difference in performance using Traktor DJ Software. Traktor DJ does encounter some bugs in Vista, and has the very high tendency to crash under high strain. In Windows 7, no matter how high the strain, Traktor DJ remains functional and so far, I havent encounter any bugs and its NEVER CRASHED.
So seriously, you Vista users, get ready to switch to Windows 7 when it comes available for the market later this year. It really is sweet. DJs, f**k Vista, quickly switch to Windows 7 or get s Beta copy if you can.
This is just merely a tip of the iceberg of my experience. Plenty more to be discovered in this OS. Get it if you can and enjoy.
Jul 8, 2009
And then...
This is totally out of mind, but yeah...
I think I'm slowly losing all sense of time and space.
This could only mean one thing.
Someone/Something has altered by space time continuum.
Jul 6, 2009
Hello World!
I'm on semester break still. what's new? Nothing i suppose....Yeah, I know, boring of me.
What have I been doing the past 4 days? Well, nothing really. Except play Rainbow 6 Vegas 2,
like a gazillion times on LAN with people at home, hahahaha!....
Good god!...I swear, I've been playing PC games non stop for the past week. Need a job!
Better yet, I need a new hobby =S
What do I intend to do in this coming week?
1. Service my other car.
2. See the love affair and spend time with her (smiles).
3. Get a job.
4. Get a new hobby I suppose =S
5. Update track collection for Deejaying.
6. Haircut??
This might be random, but i am seriously craving for a vanilla milkshake right now.
I don't know why.
As I sit here smoking my Lucky Strikes and writting this post, I can't quite help thinking
on how small the world is getting for me. People I knew from last week, probably knew people
I've been friends with for like 10 years. Funny. But it gets horrible when you just cant recall
names sometimes, especially when you bump into people you haven't seen in 5-8 years...
Well whatever it is, my point is that this city is starting to get really really small as people get
even more connected. Random, but maybe KL is just one big "Join-The-Dots" game =P
Hahahaha, I don't even know what I'm crapping about now.
Sh*t, I need sleep.
later people.
Jul 3, 2009
Nvidia Geforce 8800 Ultra Leadtek For Sale.
Hello people, here's an item I have for sale.
It is a computer graphics card from Nvidia.
Nvidia Geforce 8800 Ultra Leadtek.
Installed and used only ONCE for testing purposes. Been in storage eversince.
Bought in September 2008.
Includes original box from Nvidia/Leadtek, inclusive of driver CDs, and bonus CDs.
Requires a 500watt PSU minimum.
Requires PCI-E Express slot.
Requires reasonably large casing.
Requires adequate cooling.
Runs on Windows XP/Windows Vista.

Serious buyers only. Perfect for case-modders, serious gamers, or other puposes requiring serious graphic processing power.
Asking price: RM9xx.xx and NEGOTIABLE. Call in to give best price.
Contact Details: (Header: Geforce 8800)
012 6988520 (Tareeq)
SMS-es will not be tolerated. Call in between 11am - 10pm anyday.
Jun 26, 2009
RIP Mike!
Jun 19, 2009
DFTV Year 2 Semester 1 Febuary 2009
Its the end of the semester and I want to take some time to thank a very special group of people.
DFTV Year 2 Semester 1 of Febuary 2009, again as I mentioned before, I can never ask for a
better group that you guys.
Thank you for making the first semester of 2009 a good one. We have seen ourselves improve
with editing, shooting, becoming talents, producing, and increased our work quality.
Personally, my favourite sets of assignments was Short Film (Asian Cinema), Silent Film (Digital Post), and Compositing (Digital Post). It wasn't easy, but we all did it, and we all did it well.
Looking forward to our July semester. Have a great and safe semester break. Come back in good order and condition to take on the next semester.
May 26, 2009
ISKL Prom 2009
Just thought I drop here and post a really big THANK YOU to my clients at ISKL.
My music was on cue, my CDs never missed a beat, and no software crashes.
Thank you ISKL, thank you KL Convention Centre, and everyone else involved.

With regards from DJ Tareeq.
May 16, 2009
Hi, just dropped by to appreciate a few people.
Ehsan Kabir and team, thank you for making Bangladeshi Night a happening night.
Also, thank you Ehsan for allowing me and DJ Rocky the space to flex our talents.
Special thanks to DJ Rocky. Your no bedroom DJ bro! Expand Your horizons!
Thank you to LUCT and LUCT sound techs.
Thank you students who attended, and those who enjoyed the sounds of DJ Tareeq and DJ Rocky.
Your Behringer BHC3000 MIDI Controller worked like a charm.
I also want to appreciate a group of people who just helped me out of car troubles just now.
May 12, 2009
To Lovers Lost, Found, And Searching.
There's nothing more that I want...
Than to touch you,
To see through....
In your eyes.
The only thing that I want...
Is to be with you and,
Watch the sunrise.
May 10, 2009
Flash Update
Hello..... I know i've been neglecting this space for a while, and I'm sorry.
I've been extra busy, as usual, at uni. Gonna finish up the current sem in a couple of weeks.
Oh yeah, watched the new Star Trek movie.
It was friggin awesome!!!! Surprisingly, it pretty safe for non-Trekkies to watch, so yeah.
Watch it!
In case none of ya'll know, my friend Fuzz-Ball has now lived in with me and the family here
in the Cheras Home. Long story cut short, I'm just helping a friend out.
Finally got a new TV and home theatre system. Its a Sony Bravia 40 inch with matching Sony
home theatre system. Its got 3 inputs for HDMI and 1 input for DVI. Fuzz-Ball's CPU
has been hooked up onto it and we've been gaming on HD eversince.
Me and current love affair are doing good. 3 months now.
I just cant wait to settle my current semester and go back to work.
Already got a gig lined up for the 23rd of May. ISKL's prom. Buzz me for deets.
I think that's it for now.
Gotta run.
Will ramble some more here when i can from time to time.
Apr 21, 2009
Missing In Action?
Hi semua orang!!!
Sorry but you know me. I've been busy lately.
Girlfriend, classes, assignments, mid-sem break, and a lil bit of work here and there.
Was down at the tracks for F1 weekend, but disappointed with the rain.
Jamiroquai was kick ass though, hehehe. No photos, but i can tell you straight up that it was the best damn live performace ever! Period.
Mid sem break went like a breeze. Chilled at home with the family, my friends Fuzz-Ball, MZA, and Naz...Wished it was a longer break though =(
Ok, I just wanna fill the gap here for now. I shall return and ramble some more soon. Catch ya'll in just a few ticks =P
Mar 29, 2009
I am exactly 7 days away from raceday of the MalaysianGP and Jamiroquai.
First time I have main grandstand seats for MalaysianGP.
Which team am I rooning for??
Well, to put it simply, just 2 teams.
One, of course, the Men In Black. McLaren and Lewis.

But after today's AustralianGP, I cosupport Brawn GP.
One team to look out for this year.

Why 2 teams? Simple.
2 words:

Come Sunday, all I'll be hearing will be the V8s howling down the straights,
and Cosmic Girl, Corner Of The Earth, High Times, Supersonic, and of course,
Little L.

Hopefully I get to go for Free Practice session on Friday before class, since its free entry.
And also, I hope that i manage to get my trackside headphones within the next week
before Raceday.
First time I have main grandstand seats for MalaysianGP.
Which team am I rooning for??
Well, to put it simply, just 2 teams.
One, of course, the Men In Black. McLaren and Lewis.

But after today's AustralianGP, I cosupport Brawn GP.
One team to look out for this year.

Why 2 teams? Simple.
2 words:

Come Sunday, all I'll be hearing will be the V8s howling down the straights,
and Cosmic Girl, Corner Of The Earth, High Times, Supersonic, and of course,
Little L.

Hopefully I get to go for Free Practice session on Friday before class, since its free entry.
And also, I hope that i manage to get my trackside headphones within the next week
before Raceday.
Mar 17, 2009
Ok the past week and a half or so has been overshadowed by the damned rain.
The rain has plagued me as bad as it has plagued people in KL.
House wiring has gone haywire due to leaks.
To make it worse, the damned barrage of rain has flooded my Astro
satellite receiver!!!!!!!!
To make things even more heart breaking, the rain makes both my cars dirty!
Rain go away!!!
The rain has plagued me as bad as it has plagued people in KL.
House wiring has gone haywire due to leaks.
To make it worse, the damned barrage of rain has flooded my Astro
satellite receiver!!!!!!!!
To make things even more heart breaking, the rain makes both my cars dirty!
Rain go away!!!
Mar 6, 2009
Sorry guys, been away for quite a while from blogging.
Uni has been full of sh*t this past two weeks, but I'm putting up with it.
The current love affair's doing great too, ahahaha. Story you guys on that soon.
Many congratulations to HK and Reza on their engagement.
What's on my mind?
Brunch, cause I just woke up.hahahahaha.
What am I doing today?
-Animation Practice at 3pm - 6pm, and then maybe send the SUV to the washers.
What do I need to get done this weekend?
-Laze, see the current love affair, and go get my overdue paycheck
from that KFC TVC I did back in January.
When's the next update?
-hahahahahaha, wait and you'll see.
Uni has been full of sh*t this past two weeks, but I'm putting up with it.
The current love affair's doing great too, ahahaha. Story you guys on that soon.
Many congratulations to HK and Reza on their engagement.
What's on my mind?
Brunch, cause I just woke up.hahahahaha.
What am I doing today?
-Animation Practice at 3pm - 6pm, and then maybe send the SUV to the washers.
What do I need to get done this weekend?
-Laze, see the current love affair, and go get my overdue paycheck
from that KFC TVC I did back in January.
When's the next update?
-hahahahahaha, wait and you'll see.
Mar 2, 2009
hello peepz!
I am now reachable on my BlackBerry =P
Drop me an email at =)
later ppl.
I am now reachable on my BlackBerry =P
Drop me an email at =)
later ppl.
Feb 25, 2009
Ok, recently my drives to uni have started to suck.
First, Persiaran Apec is now jammed up in the morning, just
because of the traffic light turn into Jalan Teknokrat 1, where Uni is.
It's like EVERYONE's goin to Limkokwing Uni.
To give me a bigger headache, Limkokwing student parking lot now
is at flat rate of RM2.00 per entry. Ok, ok, so that's not such a bad thing...
But now everyone parks inside!. The lot looks like a friggin second hand
car dealership! Walking up to class feels like an exercise.
I miss Cyberjaya when everyone else didn't knew it existed.
First, Persiaran Apec is now jammed up in the morning, just
because of the traffic light turn into Jalan Teknokrat 1, where Uni is.
It's like EVERYONE's goin to Limkokwing Uni.
To give me a bigger headache, Limkokwing student parking lot now
is at flat rate of RM2.00 per entry. Ok, ok, so that's not such a bad thing...
But now everyone parks inside!. The lot looks like a friggin second hand
car dealership! Walking up to class feels like an exercise.
I miss Cyberjaya when everyone else didn't knew it existed.
Feb 20, 2009
Jamiroquai Live In KL
Feb 19, 2009
Ode on Intimations of Immortality
I found this not too long ago after watching this classic movie called
'Splendor In The Grass'.
Its something I want to forward to former love affairs.
You ladies know who you are.
I'm never over some of you, but life goes on.
There could be hope, maybe never.
But one certainty is that memories will never die.
'Splendor In The Grass'.
Its something I want to forward to former love affairs.
You ladies know who you are.
- What though the radiance which was once so bright
- Be now for ever taken from my sight,
- Though nothing can bring back the hour
- Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;
- We will grieve not, rather find
- Strength in what remains behind...
William Wordsworth
I'm never over some of you, but life goes on.
There could be hope, maybe never.
But one certainty is that memories will never die.
Semester 3
Ok...was at Registration yesterday, and I had fun.
I have to take six modules this semester, which are:-
1. Digital Post
2. Directors & Their Films
3. Asian Cinema
4. Writing For Creative Industry
5. Presentation Skills
6. Animation Practice
Looks fun, looking forward to starting on Monday.
Was awesome to see friends again.
4 months has been too long.
I have to take six modules this semester, which are:-
1. Digital Post
2. Directors & Their Films
3. Asian Cinema
4. Writing For Creative Industry
5. Presentation Skills
6. Animation Practice
Looks fun, looking forward to starting on Monday.
Was awesome to see friends again.
4 months has been too long.
Feb 13, 2009
Hand Made Arts
Found this on the net, and it seems pretty interesting.
Hand made, decently priced, and most of all....pretty to accesorize with.
Hand made, decently priced, and most of all....pretty to accesorize with.
Feb 12, 2009
Second Hand Goods
Qiki's selling some of her old stuff like clothes, accessories, and kicks.....
Do visit and have a look see.
Might find something of value to keep.
As they say, one person's junk, another person's treasure.
Do visit and have a look see.
Might find something of value to keep.
As they say, one person's junk, another person's treasure.
Feb 9, 2009
The Bad Taste Party
Hosted by: Rotaract Club of Bernam Valley/KYUEM Rotaract
The person with the worst taste will be given a prize!
No Alcohol, No Drugs
Members of Rotaract Club BV : RM 5
Collegians (KYUEM) : RM 7
Others : RM 8
Ticket enquiries
0123207500/ 0123772744/ 0123065708
To RSVP, visit Facebook Event page at:-
Feb 3, 2009
Helen Of T......
Meet Helen, my SUV =D

She's a late '90s Mitsubishi Pajero SWB (Short Wheel Base). She's powered by a 3 litre V6.
Pretty much stock standard, except for the ICE. Currently she is using a Clarion CD head
unit. But sadly, the head unit is slowly dying on me.
Not to worry though, cause I've been out on a recce for a new head unit =)
Still waiting for my KFC TVC paycheck so that I can purchase a new head unit.
This is the head unit i have in mind....

Pioneer DEH 2100IB. hehehehehehehe =D
And oh, just did some minor repairing to Helen's wiring. All my lights on the dash are
now working, so as these.....

My spotlights are working again!!!!....hahahahahaha.
Perfect for flashing at idiots who cant drive =P
There's alot more stuff that I plan on doing to Helen. Probably after the head unit,
I might go and recce for new rims and tyres, and maybe a paint job as well....

God willing, hopefully I get to do these planned cosmetic jobs for Helen.
We shall see on how it goes on.

She's a late '90s Mitsubishi Pajero SWB (Short Wheel Base). She's powered by a 3 litre V6.
Pretty much stock standard, except for the ICE. Currently she is using a Clarion CD head
unit. But sadly, the head unit is slowly dying on me.
Not to worry though, cause I've been out on a recce for a new head unit =)
Still waiting for my KFC TVC paycheck so that I can purchase a new head unit.
This is the head unit i have in mind....

Pioneer DEH 2100IB. hehehehehehehe =D
And oh, just did some minor repairing to Helen's wiring. All my lights on the dash are
now working, so as these.....

My spotlights are working again!!!!....hahahahahaha.
Perfect for flashing at idiots who cant drive =P
There's alot more stuff that I plan on doing to Helen. Probably after the head unit,
I might go and recce for new rims and tyres, and maybe a paint job as well....

God willing, hopefully I get to do these planned cosmetic jobs for Helen.
We shall see on how it goes on.
Feb 1, 2009
20 sticks of Dunhills and 178 pages later....
Just read a book....
Made me realize and grasp a few facts...
1. Maybe it was a mistake, maybe it wasn't.
2. I did too much. No, I did too little.
3. I loved the way we got intimate. I hated the fact its never gonna come back.
4. McDs tasted so good with her around.
5. Dunhill Reds was our cigarette of choice.
6. "Funky Fresh" was our term of choice.
7. "Copacabana" was our theme song.
8. I was immature. She was....
9. ...she was indecisive at times.
10. I loved her to bits.
What does all this lead to?
Let me simply put it this way....
I love her. Always did, always will.
Do I think it'll ever happen again?
Don't think so. Not now. Maybe never.
I can never understand why it had to be that way.
Maybe I was destined to learn it the hard way.
Maybe it just wasn't meant to be.
Whatever it is, the 178 pages I read allowed me to do one thing.
I'm accepting the fact that her ringtone will never ring on my phone ever again.
I'm accepting the fact that memories will come about whenever I buy a pack of Dunhills.
I'm accepting the fact that I'll never feel her soft, tender snog again.
Despite all this, I'm appreciative of her. The only thing I can think of saying to her right now...
1. Thank you for making and breaking my heart.
2. Thank you for instilling some great memories.
What now?
I move on.
-word peepz...-
Made me realize and grasp a few facts...
1. Maybe it was a mistake, maybe it wasn't.
2. I did too much. No, I did too little.
3. I loved the way we got intimate. I hated the fact its never gonna come back.
4. McDs tasted so good with her around.
5. Dunhill Reds was our cigarette of choice.
6. "Funky Fresh" was our term of choice.
7. "Copacabana" was our theme song.
8. I was immature. She was....
9. ...she was indecisive at times.
10. I loved her to bits.
What does all this lead to?
Let me simply put it this way....
I love her. Always did, always will.
Do I think it'll ever happen again?
Don't think so. Not now. Maybe never.
I can never understand why it had to be that way.
Maybe I was destined to learn it the hard way.
Maybe it just wasn't meant to be.
Whatever it is, the 178 pages I read allowed me to do one thing.
I'm accepting the fact that her ringtone will never ring on my phone ever again.
I'm accepting the fact that memories will come about whenever I buy a pack of Dunhills.
I'm accepting the fact that I'll never feel her soft, tender snog again.
Despite all this, I'm appreciative of her. The only thing I can think of saying to her right now...
1. Thank you for making and breaking my heart.
2. Thank you for instilling some great memories.
What now?
I move on.
-word peepz...-
Jan 29, 2009
Ang Pau and Char Kuay Teows
Just got back from Ipoh yesterday. Drove down there on Tuesday.
Didn't do much, but I did got my Char Kuay Teow from New Hollywood....
Ipoh trips are not Ipoh trips without food from there.
And of course, went to spend CNY with the Chinese extended family of mine =)
collected not alot, but a nice handful of Ang Paus.....
Was out Sunday night to see Nik at Cue Ball for a short while before headed off to Craven...
Something happened. Haha, won't say much, but just wait and see.
Chilled at Nik's on Monday. Was there all afternoon, and all night.
It's nice to chill there again after what seems to be ages.
I used to be a happy camper there, back in my later high school days.
Chilled with The Niks and had dinner with them.
Spent most of the time listening and stealing songs from Nik's laptop....thanks bro....
Went out for supper with Nik and Miss N.....Still can't grasp the fact that the world
is small. Well, maybe just Ampang, but yeah. Miss N and Nik are connected in a way.
Note to self, no more Ampang girls after this, wakakakakakakakaak!
So was out at Damai for supper, chilled most of the time.
Back at Nik's, was doin mostly nothin but catching up.
I ended up staying there till 6am. The usual....smokes....random talk....
and of course, good music and stealing them (thanks again bro!!!!!!)....
An watching random stuff on YouTube.
Wat am I doing this week? Nothing planned yet, but I'm prolly gonna go
and hang out with Trace-E before she goes back to Melbourne....
And go chill with Nik again before his semester starts.
Oh, just finished reading a book....a good book.....
But that's a different story....
Will ramble and rant somemore soon.
Gtg and take the SUV to the accessories shop.
My head unit is offically dead.
Anyone with a cheap head unit for me, get in touch.
On another note....I'm missing 2 people in mind....well, maybe just 1.....
She'll be back later today from Singapore......and that's another story =)
Didn't do much, but I did got my Char Kuay Teow from New Hollywood....
Ipoh trips are not Ipoh trips without food from there.
And of course, went to spend CNY with the Chinese extended family of mine =)
collected not alot, but a nice handful of Ang Paus.....
Was out Sunday night to see Nik at Cue Ball for a short while before headed off to Craven...
Something happened. Haha, won't say much, but just wait and see.
Chilled at Nik's on Monday. Was there all afternoon, and all night.
It's nice to chill there again after what seems to be ages.
I used to be a happy camper there, back in my later high school days.
Chilled with The Niks and had dinner with them.
Spent most of the time listening and stealing songs from Nik's laptop....thanks bro....
Went out for supper with Nik and Miss N.....Still can't grasp the fact that the world
is small. Well, maybe just Ampang, but yeah. Miss N and Nik are connected in a way.
Note to self, no more Ampang girls after this, wakakakakakakakaak!
So was out at Damai for supper, chilled most of the time.
Back at Nik's, was doin mostly nothin but catching up.
I ended up staying there till 6am. The usual....smokes....random talk....
and of course, good music and stealing them (thanks again bro!!!!!!)....
An watching random stuff on YouTube.
Wat am I doing this week? Nothing planned yet, but I'm prolly gonna go
and hang out with Trace-E before she goes back to Melbourne....
And go chill with Nik again before his semester starts.
Oh, just finished reading a book....a good book.....
But that's a different story....
Will ramble and rant somemore soon.
Gtg and take the SUV to the accessories shop.
My head unit is offically dead.
Anyone with a cheap head unit for me, get in touch.
On another note....I'm missing 2 people in mind....well, maybe just 1.....
She'll be back later today from Singapore......and that's another story =)
Jan 25, 2009
Jan 20, 2009
Jan 19, 2009
Wake Up Calls and SuperSavers
I know it seems sorta fast, but yeah....
Lets adress her as Miss N for now yeah???
Friend of Zuri's I met at Zuri's farewell.
It seems we have gone through a good start, but I'm not gonna jinx this one.
She's a year younger than me (first time I'm stepping out with someone younger!!!).
Got a very interesting mixture in terms of her Heritage.
A very open mind. Very artsy (she's a dancer....go figure).....
And errrmmmm.....well, more for me to find out now is there? hahahahaha.
I've been giving her wake up calls for her classes and she buzzes me after midnight
on her Hotlink SuperSavers (shit!! apasal I go and barred my phone, AGAIN).
Only wished that I didn't barred my phone.
Planning to see her again before CNY. Hopefully, after CNY as well.
It seems to be going somewhere positive.
No promises. Just have to wait and see on this one.
Plus, the 'gut feeling' hasn't given me any indicators.
Although there is that one person in mind still....
I still do care, and I still do feel something.
But for what has happened.....I don't know.....
Whatever it is, I've made my stand and I stay strong and affirmed towards my stance.
Maybe I've not truly let go, maybe I already have.
Its.....hard to say. I just hope that I don't do anything stupid about it.
Lets adress her as Miss N for now yeah???
Friend of Zuri's I met at Zuri's farewell.
It seems we have gone through a good start, but I'm not gonna jinx this one.
She's a year younger than me (first time I'm stepping out with someone younger!!!).
Got a very interesting mixture in terms of her Heritage.
A very open mind. Very artsy (she's a dancer....go figure).....
And errrmmmm.....well, more for me to find out now is there? hahahahaha.
I've been giving her wake up calls for her classes and she buzzes me after midnight
on her Hotlink SuperSavers (shit!! apasal I go and barred my phone, AGAIN).
Only wished that I didn't barred my phone.
Planning to see her again before CNY. Hopefully, after CNY as well.
It seems to be going somewhere positive.
No promises. Just have to wait and see on this one.
Plus, the 'gut feeling' hasn't given me any indicators.
Although there is that one person in mind still....
I still do care, and I still do feel something.
But for what has happened.....I don't know.....
Whatever it is, I've made my stand and I stay strong and affirmed towards my stance.
Maybe I've not truly let go, maybe I already have.
Its.....hard to say. I just hope that I don't do anything stupid about it.
Jan 17, 2009
Jan 12, 2009
I'm out tonight. Just thought ya'll should know, I'm good.
Will be down in the Sunway area and maybe heading to AC after my dinner date.
Working tomorrow in Bandar Sri Damansara.
Just keeping myself occupied with things such as work.
Gotta jet.
Ya'll know where to reach me.
Will be down in the Sunway area and maybe heading to AC after my dinner date.
Working tomorrow in Bandar Sri Damansara.
Just keeping myself occupied with things such as work.
Gotta jet.
Ya'll know where to reach me.
Jan 8, 2009
Of Jews, Extremism, and Bullets
I've been following the recent offensive by Israel in the news.
I am reminded of the last confrontation with Hezbollah, and of course, Beirut.
Aint it obvious?
The root of this dates back centuries ago. The ancient Feuds between Muslims and Jews.
Say what you want, but the state of Israel shouldn't have been formed or recognized.
And don't think they are the ones to be blamed for the whole thing.
Arabs too. Yes, the Arabs. I get the anger, but really...what has Islam preached in
settling disputes or differences? I don't see anywhere in the Quran that says its ok
to pick up an AK47, or strap C4 on yourselves and start killing innocent civilians.
And wait, there is more. Its also obvious that the UN Security Council isn't working.
Result shows that there is nobody within the UN with a clear solution except
delaying the inevitable.
From where I stand, the only way for any of us to stop violence there is to stop
the trafficking of weapons and weapon-producing material into the region. Who's
the people trafficking these weapons? OBVIOUSLY the United States Government.
They have been supplying their "Allies" since the Cold War started, and hasn't
stopped since the wall came down. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure
that one out, didn't it.
And it doesn't stop there. Guess where weapons for the "Freedom Fighters" are being
transported through? Well, there's Hezbollah Controlled Lebanon, there's Syria, and
the grand daddy of all Mid-East weapons supplier, IRAN. Say what you want, I'm just
stating the obvious. Seriously, I think we should look at this on-going issue from
where I'm seeing it.
Really, think about it. For the deaths of thousands, if not millions, someone
is getting a huge profit or payoff in some form for it. Go figure. Its really
obvious that I won't state anything anymore. If we pacify these people and its
networks, we pacify violence in the region. There's the solution, I'll accept that Nobel now.
I pray peace does come for the Mid-East in a peaceful, diplomatic and civilized
manner. Humanity doesn't need another war we?
I am reminded of the last confrontation with Hezbollah, and of course, Beirut.
Aint it obvious?
The root of this dates back centuries ago. The ancient Feuds between Muslims and Jews.
Say what you want, but the state of Israel shouldn't have been formed or recognized.
And don't think they are the ones to be blamed for the whole thing.
Arabs too. Yes, the Arabs. I get the anger, but really...what has Islam preached in
settling disputes or differences? I don't see anywhere in the Quran that says its ok
to pick up an AK47, or strap C4 on yourselves and start killing innocent civilians.
And wait, there is more. Its also obvious that the UN Security Council isn't working.
Result shows that there is nobody within the UN with a clear solution except
delaying the inevitable.
From where I stand, the only way for any of us to stop violence there is to stop
the trafficking of weapons and weapon-producing material into the region. Who's
the people trafficking these weapons? OBVIOUSLY the United States Government.
They have been supplying their "Allies" since the Cold War started, and hasn't
stopped since the wall came down. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure
that one out, didn't it.
And it doesn't stop there. Guess where weapons for the "Freedom Fighters" are being
transported through? Well, there's Hezbollah Controlled Lebanon, there's Syria, and
the grand daddy of all Mid-East weapons supplier, IRAN. Say what you want, I'm just
stating the obvious. Seriously, I think we should look at this on-going issue from
where I'm seeing it.
Really, think about it. For the deaths of thousands, if not millions, someone
is getting a huge profit or payoff in some form for it. Go figure. Its really
obvious that I won't state anything anymore. If we pacify these people and its
networks, we pacify violence in the region. There's the solution, I'll accept that Nobel now.
I pray peace does come for the Mid-East in a peaceful, diplomatic and civilized
manner. Humanity doesn't need another war we?
Jan 7, 2009
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