Ok, about 2 days ago I managed to acquire a copy of Windows 7 Beta from Fuzzy.
Been reading up alot about this OS and the rave reviews, so I decided to give it try.
Initially, I wasn't really keen because of bad experiences with Vista.
But I was convinced to give it a go. I reluctantly did, and woah!.
I never knew a Windows OS can be so good.
Windows 7 comes in both 32Bit and 64Bit versions.
32Bit requires:
1Gb HD storage space
1Gb of RAM minimum
1GHz Processor minimum
Support for DirectX 9 graphics device with 128MB of graphics memory
DVD-R/W Drive
64Bit requires:
20Gb HD storage space
2Gb of RAM minimum
1GHz Processor minimum
Support for DirectX 9 graphics device with 128MB of graphics memory
DVD-R/W Drive
Currently, I am running the Beta version of the 64Bit.
At first glance, it appears to look like a pretty version of Vista.
Trust me, its not just prettier, its better.

That's how Windows 7 looks. Its pretty elegant, and visually clear.
Bear in mind that the visual themes, wallpaper, etc, are all at default Windows 7 settings.
I like it =D
I remembered the days when I first got my XP and Vista, I spent the first couple of hours tinkering with the visual theme options and personalizing it.
I only spent 15 minutes tinkering with this one, and then I decided to keep it back to original settings. Its already pretty at standard. Not saying that the customization options suck, they're cool, but I decided that it's prettier this way.
My point is that its visually pretty and you don't necessarily have to do anything to it.

Another visual improvement over its predecessors is a clutter free Windows Taskbar.
Just mouse over the the icons in the taskbar i.e. the Windows Live Icon, and you instantly get a glance of what is grouped in it. No more taskbar clutters and eye sores.
The next major visual improvement is how Windows 7 helps you manage your browser window. Now this is handy when your doing comparisons between two pages in a browser.
Here's how 2 IE windows look like before drag and dropping them to the sides.

Ok, now here's when you drag and drop one window to one side, and the other window to the opposite side.

Windows 7 will automatically resize both browser windows, allowing much easier management and creating a clutter free environment for your display. Its pretty handy =P
Another really neat thing is that all these shots weren't taken the old fashion way of pressing the print screen button. Windows 7 comes win a program called 'Snip Tool', which allows the user to print screen, or selected part of the GUI.
As if that's not enough, this OS is apparently games friendly. Previously on my Vista OS, whenever I am LAN gaming Rainbow 6 Vegas 2, it has the tendency to crash alot and encounter numerous bugs. I had a 4 hour LAN session on this game last night, and not once did it crash or encounter bugs.
Another experience I am willing to share is the difference in performance using Traktor DJ Software. Traktor DJ does encounter some bugs in Vista, and has the very high tendency to crash under high strain. In Windows 7, no matter how high the strain, Traktor DJ remains functional and so far, I havent encounter any bugs and its NEVER CRASHED.
So seriously, you Vista users, get ready to switch to Windows 7 when it comes available for the market later this year. It really is sweet. DJs, f**k Vista, quickly switch to Windows 7 or get s Beta copy if you can.
This is just merely a tip of the iceberg of my experience. Plenty more to be discovered in this OS. Get it if you can and enjoy.