despite our accidents, me and HK managed to replan and we met up at the Curve last night.
i pushed off early to go to Filmscape for a casting session.after that,i went over straight over to Curve.
while waiting, Miss.A and her ex, Mr.Sz came. went to see em for a sec before i ran off to HK.
dunt know why, but got kinda worried when i say Miss.A and him.oh well....
went over to check out some new stuff at MySciFi Outpost.i have something i want for my birthday!
ok,moving on....
HK brought me to this place called Paddington House Of Pancakes for dinner.
untill last night, i never knew Pancakes and steak sauce would go together as one.hahahaha.
it was gooooooooooooood =P
the food was amazing so much that it helped me and HK get over our relationship troubles.
HK was telling me on wat just happen with her "as-of-midnight-last-night-ex-boyfriend"....
sometimes i feel for HK.its not like its her fault these assholes show up in her life.
so after dinner we went off DVD hunting in Hartamas.HK,as usual went to get her Horror and Chic Flicks...while i found my elusive movie....Haven....
awesome flick,please go get it and watch it =P
looking back,i miss hanging with HK like we used to back in Sem 2.she's sorta like a lucky charm, where whenever your around her, something fantastic is bound to happen.hahaha.
like last night, when i found my DVD.hahahahaha.
note to self, hang out with HK more often.
what am i doing today?
well,i apparently have invite to AW for "An Evening With Mark Hampstead" later.
so i gtg and get ready now.
will scribble summore soon....
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