Jul 18, 2008

Roadtrip!! - a tale of Mr. Bermuda and four ladies...

Mr. Bermuda has just returned from a roadtrip/photoshoot in Malacca yesterday.
from a random phone invitation by Sassy Urbanite, to impromptu model for B.Arafia's photoshoot, Mr. Bermuda definitely had fun.

Arriving at Sassy Urbanite's place at 9:45am, Mr. Bermuda was there to pick up Sassy Urbanite, B.Arafia, Sufi, and Nat. Off we went to Hartamas first for fuel, before crossing over to Nilai, and off to the Highway!....

the trip to and from was mostly filled with girl talk by the ladies. Mr Bermuda doesnt think its hell though. Being used to living under one roof with his mom, sis, and aunts, Mr. Bermuda finds it rather amusing and entertaining. Whats more entertaining is Mr. Bermuda's evil luagh, muahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha.

our first stop in Malacca was Sant Paul's church, atop a hill. Sea breeze plus a good view means Mr. Bermuda took the opportunity to enjoy a cigarette to the following views....

Outside Saint Paul's...

from Saint Paul's hilltop balcony compound...

at this point, B.Arafia and Sassy Urbanite decided to have a quick photo session...

B.Arafia didnt quite get the right feel so we left early from Saint Paul's off to lunch in Dataran Pahalawan Mall...
Being in Saint Paul's was a very interesting experience for Mr. Bermuda as he has a greatly deep sense of appreciation towards history and heritage. From exploring the tombstones, Mr. Bermuda understood that people buried in Saint Paul's were of significant high level in society...most were Portuguese...

And being in deep connection with heritage, Mr. Bermuda sparked a conversation with Sufi and Nat about heritage while Sassy Urbanite and B.Arafia where photographing. Interestingly, Mr. Bermuda found out Sufi has Spanish+Filipino+???... interesting...
on another note, Mr. Bermuda discovered B.Arafia's very heavily mixed heritage of Pakistan+Thai...

After lunch, we headed off to the Portuguese Quarter of Malacca and found a pier for another shoot. It was pretty fun,muahahaha.

finding the right pose and angle...

one for Sassy Urbanite...

and one for Mr. Bermuda as he awaits his turn...btw, Thank you Sassy Urbanite for capturing this....

After the pier shots, B.Arafia had Mr. Bermuda immortalized in more photos. Mr. Bermuda shall work out the acquisition of these photos soon.

An overview, it was a exciting, fun, and interesting roadtrip. Mr. Bermuda enjoys roadtrips as much as he enjoys good food. more photos will be up soon courtesy of B.Arafia. As for now, Mr. Bermuda will enjoy some R and R at home, and preparing for work on set tomorrow.

a snapshot of the highway on trip back to KL.

Mr. Bermuda will be back soon, rambling as always. Mr. Bermuda thanks Sassy Urbanite, B.Arafia, Sufi, and Nat for allowing him the company.


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